May 26, 2024

Your Team's Goal Clarity

Dear Uncommon Leaders, 

Hope you are enjoying a nice Memorial Weekend (and the unofficialkickoff to summer)! 🇺🇸

As you head into this coming week, take some time to evaluate your team's goal clarity. It's important to revisit. Leaders, be uncommon this week!

Your Sunday Nugget

This Week's Question:

How is your team’s goal clarity?

This Week's Challenge: 

In the healthiest cultures, the team has a goal, it’s clear and measurable and it’s kept in front of the team. You’d be surprised how many leaders and their teams are fuzzy on their goals.

Your challenge this week is to evaluate how you and your team are doing with respect to having goal clarity. Does everyone know the goal? Is it posted where the team can see? Are you celebrating progress? A lot can go into having effective goals. Use this week to see where you stand.

This Week's Quote to Ponder:

"A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success." -Steve Maraboli

Until next week,


W. Kevin Harrison

Founder and Executive Coach

Uncommon Influence

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