June 16, 2024

The Power of Unplugging

Dear Uncommon Leaders, 

Happy Father's Day! Thank you for your uncommon influence! 👏💪

For the next several weeks, I will share some of the lessons I've learned from my time spent on the Camino de Santiago, and these lessons can be applied to all areas of our lives and leadership. First up is the power of "unplugging."

You are all uncommon leaders! Have an uncommon week!

Your Sunday Nugget

This Week's Question:

We must "unplug" to grow.

This Week's Challenge: 

The first time I walked a week on the Camino, I was taken aback by the beauty of the place, by the people I met and the challenge of walking every day.  What hit me most of all, though, was the power of being disconnected… from my phone, my email and most importantly, the stress of my busy life. During this time of unplugging, I was able to really think about what needed to change in my life and in my leadership.

Upon coming home, I implemented the decisions I made while I was walking in Spain. These lessons would not have happened had I not been able to get away and truly unplug. When is the last time you have unplugged?

Your challenge this week is to schedule time where you can truly unplug and think about where you are and where you want to go.

This Week's Quote to Ponder:

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Anne Lamott

Until next week,


W. Kevin Harrison

Founder and Executive Coach

Uncommon Influence

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