Saying Yes!
Dear Uncommon Leaders,
Hope everyone had a nice weekend and gearing up for a great last week of the month! Be intentional, finish strong and make this week uncommon!
Your Sunday Nugget
This Week's Question:
What should you be saying “yes” to?
This Week's Challenge:
Recently, we discussed the power of saying “no” and how many of us need to work that muscle.
But why do we say “no” to various things? … So we can say “yes” to things that help us reach our goals. ☑️ If I say “no” to something that just takes up space on my calendar, I am more available to say “yes”to listening to a podcast, going to the gym or meeting with a mentor.
Your challenge this week is to say “yes” to something that will help you grow or get you closer to your goals. It might be an invite, it might be an unexpected opportunity to serve someone… but say “yes” to something that elevates your leadership. ⤴️ You’ll probably know it when it comes your way!
Have a great week and let us know what you said “yes” to! 👏
This Week's Quote to Ponder:
“We say no to the marginally helpful, so we can say yes to the remarkably helpful.” -Unknown
Until next week,

W. Kevin Harrison
Founder and Executive Coach
Uncommon Influence
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