Investing in Yourself
Dear Uncommon Leaders,
As you prepare for a new week ahead, plan to also invest in yourself this week! As always, go be uncommon!
Your Sunday Nugget
This Week's Question:
What investments are you making in yourself?
This Week's Challenge:
When we talk about investments, we are usually referring to stocks, real estate and other financial instruments, but investing in ourselves as leaders is crucial.
While I have been walking across Spain, I’ve had a lot of time to think. I’ve thought about the decisions I have made that have been beneficial. I’ve also thought about my mistakes and regrets. Over the years I have made many financial investments; some have paid off and some did not. The investments I don’t regret, however, have been those I made in my own growth and development. They have always paid off.
Your challenge this week is to decide to invest in yourself. What investment of time, study or resource can you make this very week? Maybe you can purchase a book, a course, spend time with a mentor or even hire a coach 😃 to help you grow faster.
Remember, if we aren’t growing, we are losing ground.
I'd love for you to reply to this email with a best practice of how you invest in yourself. We want to hear from you and others can benefit! We will curate a list to share next week.
Have a great week investing in the next level you!
This Week's Quote to Ponder:
“The best investment we can make is in our own growth. “ Unknown
Until next week,
W. Kevin Harrison
Founder and Executive Coach
Uncommon Influence
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