August 18, 2024

Giving Up Control

Dear Uncommon Leaders, 

As you prepare for another new week, remember to keep growing! 👊 Have a great week ahead!

Your Sunday Nugget

This Week's Question:

What may you need to give up control of?

This Week's Challenge: 

Many of us humans like control. Especially leaders. We like to try and control outcomes, environments, responsibilities and sometimes even other people. Control can be good in the right circumstances with the right motives, but sometimes it can be a detriment to our team’s performance.  There have been times I prevented progress and improvement by not letting go of something. I am still learning this even after many years of leadership.

What might you need to let go of to grow your capacity for greater impact? A word of warning: it can be very hard to let go of something you have controlled for a long period of time!

Your challenge this week is to identify where you may need to loosen your grip for your and your team’s benefit. It may just free you up to raise the bar in your own leadership capacity.

Let’s go be uncommon!

This Week's Quote to Ponder:

“The best leaders learn what to control and what to release.”

Until next week,


W. Kevin Harrison

Founder and Executive Coach

Uncommon Influence

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