August 6, 2023

4 Quadrants of Development: Curriculum

Dear Uncommon Leaders, 

Our August Sunday Nuggets are going to focus on the 4 quadrants of development: Curriculum, Experiences, Accountability and Practice. If we want to grow as leaders, we have to take charge of our development. These 4 quadrants can be a helpful framework to focus our growth activities.

Hope you are inspired to grow more this week!

Your Sunday Nugget

This Week's Question:

What curriculum are you currently taking in to grow as a leader?

This Week's Challenge: 

You may have heard the quote, “Leaders are readers,” from somewhere.  While I don’t think every leader has to literally read books to grow, I do believe that every leader needs to learn from some sort of resource, which could also include audio books, podcasts ,articles, videos and even short book summaries.  I often ask clients what they are currently reading and sometimes they respond with silence or a blank stare.  This is not okay if we want to grow. We either need to read, listen or watch curriculum that challenges or teaches us so that we stay fresh. 

Your challenge this week is to ask yourself, and be honest, "How much time do I take in content that is for my entertainment and enjoyment?" This could be Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube,Netflix, etc. Then ask yourself, "How much time do I spend taking in development content?" Perhaps you can pull just a bit from your entertainment time and apply it to your own personal growth. 

This Week's Quote to Ponder:

“Reading is still the main way I both learn new things and test my understanding.” - Bill Gates

Until next week,


W. Kevin Harrison

Founder and Executive Coach

Uncommon Influence

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